Meet the Brazilian participants

(News from Maysa Correa, Fundação Gol de Letra)

Hey, everybody!
It’s time to know more about the brazilian young group from Fundação Gol de Letra in São Paulo. 😀
The profiles below were written by them, during english classes last month. Hope you enjoy it!


13735657_1134974236574947_4787403640058085120_oMy name is Alex. I am 17 years old, I’m single and I am from Brazil. My birthday is on Agust 8, the day of our trip to Rio de Janeiro.
I live in São Paulo, Vila Albertina.
I am a student and young monitor at Fundação Gol de Letra.
I like to play soccer and I love to play capoeira. I don´t like to wake up early.
My hobby is going out with friends during the weekend.




13654351_1134976676574703_6632269378291506500_nMy name is Denílson, I am 16 years old. I live in Vila Albertina, North Zone of São Paulo.
Nowadays I am studing at high school and I am also a young monitor at Fundação Gol de Letra.
My hobbies are playing capoeira, soccer and sports in general.
I like computer programs: PHP, PAWNO, Java Script. I would like to be an IT programmer.








13668701_1134976809908023_3921894127779580586_oMy name is Denílson, I am 16 years old. I live in Vila Albertina, North Zone of São Paulo.
Nowadays I am studing at high school and I am also a young monitor at Fundação Gol de Letra.
My hobbies are playing capoeira, soccer and sports in general.
I like computer programs: PHP, PAWNO, Java Script. I would like to be an IT programmer.




13872892_1134976839908020_1832944385550258686_nMy name is João and I am 16 years old.
I am from Brazil and I live in São Paulo.
I am a student and young monitor at Fundação Gol de Letra.
I finished the technical administration course and I would like to study accountability at the university.
I like to play capoeira and I love to play voleyball.
My hobbies are read, watch TV series, and play music instrument at “escola de samba”.
I don’t like the winter season.





13631389_1134976883241349_7908568332730182272_nHi, my name is Nathalia and I am 19.feeling excited.







